Fri 28 Jan


New Vision University is continuing an Open Competition for the following Academic Positions:

  1. In the field of Engineering: 4 Professors, 10 Associate Professors, 10 Assistant Professors;
  2. In the field of Information Technologies: 6 Professors, 6 Associate Professors, 6 Assistant Professors;
  3. In the field of Education Sciences: 2 Professors, 2 Associate Professors, 2 Assistant Professors;
  4. In the field of Social Sciences: (Politics, International Relations, Social or Cultural Anthropology, etc.) : 7 Professors, 10 Associate Professors, 3 Assistant Professors;
  5. In the field of Medicine and Natural (life) Sciences: 10 Professors, 10 Associate Professors;
  6. In the field of Archeology: 3 Professors, 3 Associate Professors, 3 Assistant Professors;

With the formal letter of interest candidates are required to submit the following documents:

  • An application form;
  • Copies of the Passport and Diploma(s) confirming academic degree(s);
  • Syllabus/Course Description in the respective field (see the NVU sample syllabus);
  • Copy of the certificate(s) confirming the scientific and teaching experience;
  • CV containing data on scientific papers of the applicant published during the past 10 years, scholarships & grants awarded, as well as participation information in scientific conferences and professional development activities during the past 5 years;

The Applicants should indicate their field of teaching and research and provide their view of its development within NVU.

After fulfilment of the preconditions prescribed by the law, the selection of the candidates will be based on the application and the vision of the proposed course implementation.

The primary (prescribed by law) and additional (University) preconditions of holding the academic positions are regulated by the New Vision University Regulation for Carrying out the Educational and Research Activities (see the Regulation).

The (basic) criteria established by law are:

A) Academic degree: a doctorate degree is required in order to hold an academic position of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor, however a doctoral student can be elected for the academic position of Assistant;

B) Scientific and teaching experience: a professor must have at least 6 years of experience in scientific and teaching work, and the associate professor must have at least 3 years of experience.

Applications may be submitted until February 28 2022, hard copy can be handed in at New Vision University Eco Campus, 11 Nodar Bokhua St. or by email: