Nodar Mitagvaria

Professor in Cardio-vascular Physiology

Nodar Mitagvaria was granted Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from Beritashvili Institute of Physiology (1971) and was awarded a Doctorate in Biological Sciences by Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry (1984). Since 2013, he has been elected as a member of Georgian National Academy of Sciences. Mr. Mitagvaria was a Scientist at I. Beritashvili Physiology Institute (1967-70) as well as the Head of the Laboratory of the Metabolic Maintenance of the Brain Functions (1971-80) and Head of the Department for Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism (since 1991) at the above-mentioned institute. Since 1991, he is a Senior Consultant for the Valley Cancer Institute, Los Angeles, USA. While in 2010 Mr. Mitagvaria joined the Managing Committee of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS)and International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) and served as a President of International Society for Clinical Hyperthermia (2010-11). He has won many international grants (incl. NATO Science Program, 1998-1999 and ISTC, 1999-2004) and has authored and co-authored numerous articles.