Professor in International Relations
Badri Kochoradze is a Professor at New Vision University since 2015. He is a Doctor of Psychology, holding a Ph.D. degree from the Georgian Academy of Sciences (1993), as well as Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the National Academy of Public Administration, Washington D.C., USA (1995) and a Bachelor Degree in Psychology (Tbilisi state University, Georgia). He has been delivering lectures in Project and Contract Management at the American University of Humanities (AUH), Tbilisi, since 2007 as well as at the Caucasus University, School of Business and School of Law. He has worked at the World Vision Georgia (CEDC program), Care International, Save the Children, British Council Georgia, Open Society Georgia Foundation, Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other institutions and organizations in Georgia as well as abroad. Since 2008, Mr. Kochoradze is a Director of the Institute for European Studies (IES).
Contact: bkochoradze@newvision.ge