Medical Doctor (MD) Program
Medical Doctor educational program (360 ECTS) aims to develop caring, competent, confident medical doctors through outcomebased teaching approach ensuring high quality of health care and biomedical research in academic, in- and out-patients settings. To provide medical training, predominantly in a practical environment (where acquisition and organization of knowledge match with practical application of gained competencies), based on ethical values, respect for individual autonomy and on the premise of rational and efficient interference. To meet global standards of medical education set by World Federation of Medical Education, and defined by TUNING/MEDINE learning outcomes for undergraduate medical education.
Employed teaching and assessment methodologies enable the acquisition and organization of knowledge match with practical application of gained competencies. Principles of outcome-based education imply that teaching, learning and assessment are conducted on the basis of pre-defined competencies of graduates in accordance to the “top-bottom” principle.
The MD curriculum is comprised of four loops referring to knowledge, skills and values, where every consecutive loop builds on previous one and sets more complex learning objectives.
- The Curriculum Spiral’s First Loop (120 ECTS) is comprised of the widely integrated core modules of Body Systems (Anatomy, Physiology, Imaging) and Life Sciences (Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Histology), which are vertically linked to summative pathology course and accompanied by teaching core values of medicine, clinical skills and research methods.
- The Curriculum Spiral’s Second Loop (60 ECTS) containing bridging courses (Bridging PBL, Pharmacology and Systemic Pathology) and synergy courses (Physical Diagnosis, Family Medicine I, General Surgery, etc) links the study of pathological changes and disease symptoms with the practical comprehension of modern principles and methods facilitating the diagnostic process.
- The Curriculum Spiral’s Third Loop (120 ECTS) is bound to the study of the treatment of diseases and syndromes in accordance with the latest clinical guidelines and protocols constructed by the evidencebased medicine. It builds on the previous loop revisiting and deepening knowledge, mastering skills and developing values simultaneously setting higher-level complex objectives.
- The Curriculum Spiral’s Fourth Loop (60 ECTS) builds on and rounds up previously acquired competences reinforcing trans-disciplinary understanding of real-world challenges. Thus, final and highest level of learning objectives are met through hands on practice applying gained knowledge, skills and values independent of discipline specific understanding.