New Vision University provides advice, guidance and special support to students with special needs and where needed, external agencies can be involved.

The conditions include:

  • Long-term health conditions(e.g. Epilepsy, Cancer, HIV, Diabetes, etc.);
  • Sensory conditions– Autism Spectrum Condition, visual or hearing impairment;
  • Physical disability– Students with the need for mobility equipment;
  • Specific learning difficulties– e.g. Dyslexia, ADHD, Dyspraxia.

All students with disabilities and long-term medical conditions can request special assistance and services in:

Learning and teaching

  • Learning and Teaching process modifications – individualized curriculum can be developed for each student, based on their needs. Individualization of curriculum can imply adjusting timetable, number of courses to be taken, individualized pace, etc.
  • Exam modifications – Individual approaches to the examination process, i.e. additional time, adjusted timing, place, etc.

Support and guidance

  • Advice, information and guidance throughout the years of studies – student support services department will ensure provision of continuous guidance and additional support. There are no additional costs associated;
  • Psychological counseling and support – the individual and group sessions are provided free of charge;
  • Signposting, arranging personal assistant support (the financial costs of the personal assistant must be paid by the student).

Housing support and accessibility to resources

  • NVU campus is adapted to the special needs. However, if based on the conditions of the student, additional adjustments to the learning resources are required, it can be provided upon the justified request;
  • Housing support – providing housing in the campus or helping to find the housing adjusted to one’s special needs. The housing option on campus is affordable and adapted to the needs of the persons with disabilities. Students with special needs are prioritized in the housing request. NVU student support services also support students with disabilities to find other housing options in area, adapted to their needs. Please, reach out to the office for additional information or to request support.

Students, who qualify for special services, must provide medical evidence, including:

  • Diagnosis of the condition (recent, dated no more than a month) and a letter from doctor/medical practitioner indicating whether the condition is long-term, what are the side effects of your medication (if any) that can affect your study process and the impact your condition has on your life and academic performance/day to day life.

The students, requesting special assistance, must contact Student Service Center on the email info@newvision.ge or leave the request of special services in written form, together with the medical evidence in the university information center.

The decision on providing special services to the students is taken by the committee, composed by the SSC representative, respective school representative, quality culture committee representative. The committee can invite a medical practitioner from NVU hospital or Health Hub for consultations, if needed. The individualized learning plan of the student is developed by the respective school, in accordance with university regulations.