New Vision University operates a Students Consulting and Advocacy Office, which is guided by ethical principles and shared values such as diversity, equity, fairness, and safety. The primary aim of this office is to support and safeguard the rights and interests of the university's students. This includes addressing student complaints and requests, as well as contributing to the implementation of the university's diversity and equality policies and gender equality plan. The overarching goal of the office is to foster an environment where fairness, inclusivity, and equal opportunities are ensured for all.
The Students Consulting and Advocacy Office consists of a student consulting and advocacy officer (ombudsman) and coordinators. The main duty of the student’s ombudsman is to advocate for the rights of students throughout the university and to find ways to solve their problems. The ombudsman acts as a neutral party, helping students navigate trough university policies and procedures. The office is actively engages in developing various informational and educational initiatives to raise awareness among students about the available services.
An appointment with the Students Consulting and Advocacy Office can be booked online, where the student can choose a convenient time and format for the meeting.
To book an appointment with the office, please use the following link: - https://new-vision-university1.odoo.com/book/students-consulting-and-advocacy-office-1
For any questions or inquiries, please contact our office via email - sca@newvision.ge