Sun 7 Feb

Legal Ethical Standards for Research development

Legal Ethics Chair was created under the assistance of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the framework of East-West Management Institute’s (EWMI) project Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia (PROLoG).

Observance of professional standards is one of the main preconditions for strengthening trust in legal profession in the society. Creation of Legal Ethics Chair aims at raising awareness about and popularization of professional standards. To this end the Legal Ethics Chair is engaged in the following activities: developing a course on Legal Ethics in HEIs, further enhancement of existing courses; arrangement of student competitions in legal ethics field; conducting researches in ethics field under the participation of students and practicing attorneys; organization of international and local conferences, public lectures and trainings.

Legal Ethics Clinic is operating within the framework of the New Vision Legal Aid Clinic. The Clinic offers free legal aid in alleged in cases on potential breach of rules of professional ethics by attorneys.

With a view to raising awareness about professional standards the students of the Clinic draft the decisions/recommendations of the Ethics Commission with a view to their systematization and generalization of practice.

Exclusion of Conflicts of Interests by the Attorney while Preserving Confidentiality and
Prioritizing Client Interests
 – Professor Sophio Chachava
Applicability of Georgian Attorney-Client Privilege Rules to Foreign-Licensed Attorneys – Ana
Publicity of GBA Ethics Commission Decisions Within the Framework of Personal Data
 – Tamar Khatiashvili, Mariam Beridze, Editor Professor Sophio Chachava
Lawyers‘ Fees, Trust Funds and Fiduciary Duties of a Lawyer – Ana Loria

Winner papers of the students of competition on Legal Ethics:
Utilitarian Analysis of Confidentiality Principle in the Context of Human Rights Protection
Lasha Lursmanashvili
Liability for the Breach of Principles of Professional Activities of an Attorney (Analysis of the
– Natia Svanidze, Saloma Abuladze
Importance of Trust Principle in Professional Activities of an Attorney – Sopio Toliashvili
For additional information, please follow the link