Mon 18 Dec
New Vision University opens a call for research grant proposals, the aim of the call is to engage academic staff in community-driven research.
Funding eligibility criteria:
- The NVU affiliated academic staff may submit the research projects;
- Priority will be given to the projects proposing community-driven research and those having clear plans for making results publicly available;
- Having other funding resources is an advantage as well as forming international research clusters;
- Participation of students or PhD students of New Vision University is an advantage, as well as incorporation of NVU Hospital for bio medical research;
- NVU will be the owner of any license, patents, rights or material resources acquired through the research grant funded by NVU;
- Each researcher/research group can submit only one research project.
The following documents are required to apply for funding:
Application form
Budget Table
CV(s) (max. two pages with most relevant publications)
Declaration of Consent
Please send the completed documents as one attached (PDF) file to the e-mail address of the Research and Innovation Committee (rc@newvision.ge)by the end of the day on February 18, 2024.
Research Grant Application Form and Instructions
Research Projects – Type, Duration and Funding Scheme