Since July 2014, the New Vision University Legal Aid Center ensures the teaching of understanding the wide range of legal issues and selection of efficient solutions for common problems of the society- a student “studies by doing”, is the basis of mastering the components of academic practice within bachelor and master’s programs in law.

What does legal aid service include?
Legal aid service includes:

  • Provision of free-of-charge legal advice (oral or in writing) in civil and administrative law; 
  • Drafting of an allication, complaint, claim/counterclaim or other legal documents; 
  • Free-of-charge representation of interested persons with administrative authorities and courts of law with regard to administrative and civil cases.

Who can obtain legal assistance?

Legal aid may be granted to: 

  • Any person residing in Georgia; 
  • Any legal entity carrying out business activities in Georgia.

Who will provide legal services?

Legal aid services are provided by the Master’s students of the New Vision University law faculty along with the professional lawyers supervising the performance of a trainee during the working process. 

Interested parties can get legal aid services in various ways: 

  • Contact the New Vision University Legal Aid Center by e-mail - or by phone - 2 42 44 40; 
  • Apply to the center on legal days, working from 10:00 to 18:00 (break from 14:00 to 15:00) Address: Nodar Bokhua st. N9, st. Tbilisi;
  • Or, contact the Legal Aid Center through the Facebook page.