Mon 29 Nov


The School of Politics and Diplomacy at the New Vision University is starting a series of free webinars exploring the key issues related to the democracy development. The Webinar series consist of the 15-minute long presentations and 15 minute Q&A sessions with the focus on a particular theme, preparing the groundwork for a following fruitful discussion. Live transmission through Facebook and the Youtube Channel are ensured.

The webinar on "Origin and Development of the Institute of Citizenship" will be held on December 1 at 18:00.

Presenter: Prof. Sureyya Yigit
Facilitator: Ekaterine Kristesashvili

Democracy is a multifaceted concept and endeavour. An essential role is given to citizens. Citizenship itself is a core concept of politics. We can trace its roots all the way back to ancient Greece, where it marked out the members of the city, their rights and duties. There was no consensus concerning what it truly meant as even Aristotle himself wrote that there was no agreement as to what constituted a citizen. In our talk we shall explore how citizenship took on importance during the renaissance and the city-states, undergoing change throughout the formation of the state and the French Revolution, finally resting on the modern understanding of citizenship.