Fri 17 Nov
New Vision University announces admission to the residency alternative postgraduate (professional training) educational program - "Clinical Oncology".
Number of applicants:: 1
The applicant must submit the following documents:
- Application for admission to the residency program;
- A copy of the identity card;
- Document confirming higher medical education – diploma (copy of diploma);
- autobiography (CV);
- two photographs (size – 3×4);
- After passing the post-graduate qualification exam, the certificate of the applicant of the given specialty or known (certificate is valid for more than 3 years from the date of issue).
must be მოიცავს following stages::
- Consideration of applications;
- Interviews with selected candidates;
- Identification of winning candidates;
Documents will be received electronically until October 31, 2023, at the address - residency@newvision.ge