Cooperation with Iv.Beritashvili Centre of Experimental Biomedicine - University Triangle of
The university triangle of knowledge - education, research and implementation of innovations is the key concept of New Vision University. Within the framework of this concept a memorandum was signed between New Vision University, Iv. Beritashvili Centre of Experimental Biomedicine and New Vision University Hospital. The university triangle of knowledge enabled undergraduate and post-graduate students to get involved into different researches.
Scientific researches of doctoral students are conducted through the enhancement of the capacity of logistics of the research laboratory of Iv.Beritashvili Centre of Experimental Biomedicine by the New Vision University. 6 joint papers were published in journals like International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology and World Science.
The outcome of joint research of the researchers of New Vision University, Ilia State University and Iv. Beritashvili Centre of Experimental Biomedicine - Changes to the memory and structure of hippocampus of adult and young rattus caused by chronic exposition to toluene - was presented at 23 rd Annual Meeting of International Behavioral Neuroscience Society, held on June 10-15, 2014, in Las Vegas.
On 17 December, 2016 joint scientific project of New Vision University, New Vision University Hospital and Iv.Beritashvili Centre of Experimental Biomedicine - Determination of fluctuations of extracellular ubiquitin level in blood serum of patients with cancer - procured funding of Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Fund.